Pray Event
Zoom Training
Contact Info
Add: 201 Tempo Ave, North York, Ontario
M2H 2R9
Email: HSCC@amazinghope4u.com
Office hours: Mon – Fri from 9:30am to 2:30pm
Hope Station Christian Centre is a non-profit organisations in Canada, we need your prayers and financial support on our work.
1. Prayer support: we need you to pray for our
online learning ministries and other training
2. Financial support:
a. If you are a resident of Canada and need to provide tax-exempt receipts, please email or call us before donation
b. Other Country:Cheque make payable to "Hope Station Christian Centre" and send to above address.
c. Donate online
d. e-transfer: amazinghope4u@gmail.com
『That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.』《1 Timothy Ch.6:18-19》
3. volunteer service: please call 416-644-1420
- 加拿大居住的居民:
- 需要奉獻免稅收據的,在奉獻以前請務必電郵(gentleness@amazinghope4u.com)或電話(416-644-1420)聯系我們。
- 不需要免稅收據的,可以使用任何奉獻方式(支票或者在此網站奉獻),包括E-transfer(amazinghope4u@gmail.com)
- 其他國家的居民:
- 支票請寄往:Unit 1B, 3761 Victoria Park Avenue, Toronto, ONT. M1W 3S2, 支票抬頭:Hope Station Christian Centre
- 在此網站奉獻(請用信用卡)
- 加拿大居住的居民:
- 需要奉獻免稅收據的,在奉獻以前請務必電郵(gentleness@amazinghope4u.com)或電話(416-644-1420)聯系我們。
- 不需要免稅收據的,可以使用任何奉獻方式(支票或者在此網站奉獻),包括E-transfer(amazinghope4u@gmail.com)
- 其他國家的居民:
- 支票請寄往:Unit 1B, 3761 Victoria Park Avenue, Toronto, ONT. M1W 3S2, 支票抬頭:Hope Station Christian Centre
- 在此網站奉獻(請用信用卡)
donate to support Hope Station Christian Centre